La Commission européenne lance une consultation pour connaître davantage les pratiques déloyales que les entreprises européennes subissent. En 2012, elle présentera les possibles actions futures de l’Union européenne.
Public Consultation on Directive 2006/114/EC concerning Misleading and Comparative Advertising and on unfair commercial practices affecting businesses.
Background Information
The Commission is preparing a Communication on Directive 2006/114/EC concerning Misleading and Comparative Advertising.
This Communication will give an overview of how the Directive is currently implemented in the Member States, identify any problematic issues in the interpretation or application of the Directive and explore options for its possible review, including measures which could enhance cooperation between national authorities in the enforcement of cross-border cases.
As part of the consultation process, in view of the preparation of the Communication, the Commission would appreciate receiving your input to the following questionnaire. Your contributions will be taken into account when drafting the Communication on the application of the Directive. Your cooperation will be greatly appreciated.
This questionnaire is complementary to and builds on the recent consultation through the European Business Test Panel on unfair commercial practices and contract terms which gathered information on a Member State level. Therefore, even if you participated in the European Business Test Panel survey we would nonetheless invite you to provide more specific and detailed input into this consultation on the unfair commercial practices and the application of the Directive 2006/114/EC.
How long will the consultation be open?
The consultation will be open between 21 October 2011 and 16 December 2011
How to submit your contribution?
In the interests of transparency, the Commission asks organisations who wish to submit comments in the context of public consultations to provide the Commission and the public at large with information about whom and what they represent by registering in the Transparency Register and subscribing to its Code of Conduct
. If an organisation decides not to provide this information, it is the Commission's stated policy to list the contribution as part of the individual contributions. (Consultation Standards, see COM (2002) 704, and Communication on ETI Follow-up, see COM (2007) 127 of 21/03/2007)
If your organisation is not registered, you have the opportunity to register now.
Received contributions may be published on the Internet. It is important to read the specific privacy statement
[31 KB] for information on how your personal data and contribution will be dealt with.
View the questionnaire
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