mercredi, juillet 11, 2007
* Quatrième Réunion Informelle des Ministres des Affaires Etrangères de la Méditerranée *
*** Lors de cette rencontre, les Ministres iront analyser ensemble l’initiative française pour l’Union de la Méditerranée, le Processus de Paix au Moyen-Orient, la Politique Européenne de Voisinage, les migrations et l’avenir de l’Europe.
*Conclusión de la Quatrième Réunion Informelle des Ministres des Affaires Etrangères de la Méditerranée-version anglaise :
5-6 July 2007
We, the European Union Foreign Ministers of the Mediterranean area, gathered at an informal meeting on the Slovenian coast on 5 and 6 July 2007. Our Bulgarian and Romanian colleagues joined us for the first time. We had an open and comprehensive discussion on a number of issues that are of high interest and importance for the Mediterranean EU Member States and the entire European Union.
Our exchange of views on the situation in the Middle East showed that the transitional Palestinian government needed quick and clear political and economic support of the entire international community in order to overcome the humanitarian crisis and ensure stability in the Palestinian territories. We agreed that the best way to support the moderate Palestinian forces is to provide a political solution and resume peace talks as soon as possible in order to make the two states solution a reality. We called for Israeli full engagement and cooperation. We urged the Quartet to convene its meeting this month.
We reaffirmed the great importance of the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP). We supported a balanced approach to the ENP and agreed that we should actively involve our Mediterranean and Eastern European partners into the dialogue on issues of mutual concern, such as economic integration, energy, transport, migration, intercultural dialogue and strengthening of the human dimension. Furthermore, we agreed to further develop the Black Sea Synergy Initiative within the strengthened ENP, building on synergies with regional bodies and initiatives. In this respect, full cooperation between the EU and the Organisation of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation as well as other regional initiatives is necessary. We also agreed that our High Officials would meet in Madrid in the last week of July, prior to the conference “Working together – Strengthening the European Neighbourhood Policy”, to be organized in Brussels by the European Commission on 3 September, in order to elaborate some concrete proposals.
Slovenia’s initiative on the establishment of the Euro-Mediterranean University was warmly welcomed and encouraged as an important step forward through a cooperation network of existing universities. Its creation could significantly contribute to the enrichment and strengthening of intercultural dialogue in the Mediterranean basin and elsewhere.
We stressed that the European Union’s policy on migration must take into account all aspects of migration, with the purpose of strengthening the Union’s internal security as well as respect for human rights. Such comprehensive policy should include management of legal migration, effective border control and readmission of illegal immigrants, but also protection of refugees and prevention of human trafficking. We called for an intensified partnership between the EU and the countries of transit and origin of migratory flows. We underlined the need for further contributions of member states to FRONTEX joint operations. In this respect, successful cooperation and solidarity among all EU Member States are of greatest importance. We also underscored the importance of circular migration and the European Commission proposal on mobility partnerships.
We welcomed the compromise reached at the June 2007 European Council on the treaty reform process and expressed support to the Portuguese Presidency to convene the Intergovernmental Conference later this month and conclude it by the end of this year. The mandate agreed by the European Council provides the exclusive basis and framework for the work of the Intergovernmental Conference. The new “Reform Treaty” should make the EU more transparent, effective and closer to its citizens. We agreed that the institutional reform is also necessary for further enlargement of the Union.
We stressed the need to remain engaged in the Western Balkan region and make real its EU perspective. As regards Kosovo, we reiterated that the unity of the European Union is of utmost importance. We urged for an active approach of all sides involved considering also the time element of the issue. We also expressed our support for the efforts by the Portuguese Presidency.
We reiterated the usefulness of such informal consultations and agreed to meet in Cyprus on January 17-18, 2008. We welcomed the proposal by Cyprus to invite the Secretary-General of the Arab League to that meeting.